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1-Day Clinical with Dr. Simon Wong, Founder of Postural Orthodontics
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Clinical Day with Dr Wong: Trailer Teaser (1:39)
Patient Visits & Case Reviews (Please Note: Not All Visiting Patients Had A More Detailed Case Review on the Day)
Patient #1: Charlie (12 yo) (22:56)
📜🔍 Case Review | Patient #1 (6:55)
Patient #2. Eva (11 yo) (17:05)
📜🔍 Case Review | Patient #2 (11:32)
Patient #3: Jacob (14 yo) (7:47)
Patient #4: Edward (6 yo) (10:00)
Patient #5: Oscar (14 yo) (7:07)
📜🔍 Case Review | Patient #5 (10:40)
Patient #6: Alice (8 yo) (5:23)
📜🔍 Case Review | Patient #6 (5:20)
Patient #7: Matteo (12 yo) with Photoshoot (22:34)
📜🔍 Case Review | Patient #7 (2:21)
Patient #8: Marco (8 yo) (13:42)
Patient #9: Liam (7 yo) (16:12)
Patient #10: Luke (8 yo) (4:25)
Patient #11: Josh (8 yo) (12:17)
Patient #12: Leonard (8 yo) (29:20)
Patient #13: Ethan (9 yo) (9:06)
Patient #14: Caitlin (12 yo) (10:23)
Patient #15: Hope (14 yo) (3:31)
📜🔍 Case Review | Patient #15 (4:08)
Patient #16: Lucas (6 yo) (5:21)
Patient #17: Marcus (13 yo) (3:30)
📜🔍 Case Review | Patient #17 (5:34)
Patient #18: Jacob (10 yo) (7:30)
Patient #19: Ekin (9 yo) (14:21)
Q&A with Dr. Wong
1-Day Clinical Q&A Session - December 12th, 2021 (128:50)
NEW! Activating Caternary Wires (Recorded Oct 2023)
Advance Unravel Intrude (17:35)
Intrude Advance (7:29)
Patient #16: Lucas (6 yo)
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